Launched in 2001, Adult Swim is an American adult-oriented programming block of the cable network Cartoon Network. Adult Swim also operates its apps, websites, streaming service Adult Swim Video, and ...
Adult Swim games revealed today that Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time will be released sooner than expected as it comes out August 21st, 2020. The game was confirmed a few months ago for PC via ...
Launched in 2001, Adult Swim is an American adult-oriented programming block of the cable network Cartoon Network. Adult Swim also operates its apps, websites, streaming service Adult Swim Video, and ...
Earlier this year, several indie titles published by Adult Swim Games were in danger of being lost forever, but industry outcry led to the rights to those games being transferred to the developers.
The messages are signed by “Cartoon Network Games” or “Adult Swim Games.” Cartoon Network Games, Adult Swim Games, and Warner Bros. Discovery have not announced why the games were delisted.
Warner Bros. Discovery appears to have backed down from its plans to delist more than a dozen games published by its Adult Swim Games label from Steam and digital console stores. WBD now plans to ...