On utilisera la bibliothèque SoftwareSerial au lieu de relier le module sur les broche tx et rx de l’arduino car cela semble poser des problème lors de la mise à jour des sketchs. On utilise un couple ...
The MOSFET transistor has all but replaced BJTs (Bipolar Junction Transistors) in Arduino-style circuits which require a decent switching device to control motors, relays, LEDs and everything else.
the kit has PCB modules that include a joystick, soft pots, transistor, relay, power MOSFET, push button, LEDs and motor driver. That same day will be the launch of the multi-lingual Arduino Store ...
By considering the power loss of the HyS and the junction temperature of the SiC MOSFETs, a novel index is proposed to select the optimal prior turn-off period. Based on the HyS power modules, a 5 kW ...