In this animated adaptation of the Tomb of Dracula comic book series, Dracula assumes control of a satanic cult and fathers a child through one of his followers, but the forces of both good and evil ...
Watching the entire run of 34 MCU movies, from Iron Man to Deadpool & Wolverine ... With allegations of severely under-resourced VFX and visual artists being pulled to work on other Marvel IPs, the ...
Not many superhero movies or series are set on a holiday. But, if there’s any holiday that has received some mainstream superhero project love, it’s Christmas. What follows is every Marvel ...
This year has been an absolute feast of animated movies, with many of the best ones coming from outside the limited world of American animation (though even among the weary world of sequels and ...
It should come as no surprise that the best Disney Plus movies include huge franchises, much-loved animations, and iconic classics. It is the home of Marvel, Pixar, and Lucasfilm after all.