ソフトウェアエンジニアや IT エンジニアとしてしばらく働き、「情報科学の学位を取りたい」「コンピュータサイエンス(CS)を学びたい」と思っている人が多いようだ。 かくいうぼくも、文系出身ながら数年前に情報科学の修士を取得した。 実際に ...
You don’t need a computer science degree, a college education, a state license, or anyone’s permission to write code. Just do ...
Computer science degrees used to be considered safe programs because all aspects of daily life depend on technology. However, ...
The UVM Department of Computer Science offers undergraduate degrees in Computer Science, Computer Science and Information systems, and Data Science, as well as PhD and MS programs in Computer Science.
Prof. David Harel’s research, Dept. of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, on modeling the feeding process of C. elegans to reveal biological system dynamics and enable in silico experiments.