PZEM-004-T is a small module with a serial port, connecting current transformer coil to a digital meter. Because ESP12 and ESP8266 power supply is 3.3V and not 5V, you need to connect an 1k resistor ...
A NodeMCU or any other ESP8266 based development board will work just fine ... The Wemos can be powered with a small USB power supply (5V, around 250mA). After the first power-up, the WifiManager will ...
The ESP8266 is the reigning WiFi wonderchip, quickly securing its reputation as the go-to platform for an entire ecosystem of wireless devices. There’s nothing that beats the ESP8266 on a ...
[cperiod] has come up with an ESP8266 temperature and humidity sensor that can plug directly into a standard USB port. Slotted into a USB wall charger or power bank, this diminutive board can ...
The ESP Offline Programmer is an ESP32 board with a microSD card slot designed to flash the firmware to other ESP32 or ...
I am trying to send data to browser using wifi module ESP8266 with MSP430G2553 development board. ESP8266 work on 3.3V and MSP430G2553 also. So, can be programming for this in code composer studio.
Now i am able to communicate MSP430G2553 with ESP8266 and ESP8266 is giving response for AT commands.I am using software UART to communicate with ESP and hardware UART for debugging. So unfortunately ...