Just over a year ago, FTDI, manufacturers of the most popular USB to serial conversion chip on the market, released an update to their drivers that bricked FTDI clones. Copies of FTDI chips abound ...
If you haven’t been paying attention, FTDI, makers of one of the most popular USB to UART chips out there, really screwed up last October. They released a driver to Microsoft that would brick ...
Add or Remove Programs entry for FTDI USB Serial Converter Drivers. This is a driver pack that allows USB ports to be used to connect to Serial bus devices with a USB - Serial adapter cable.
Maybe these will be easier to use with the libftdi/libusb user-space * drivers, or possibly the Comedi drivers in some cases. */ #define FTDI_ELV_CLI7000_PID 0xFB59 /* Computer-Light-Interface (CLI ...
I use Stellaris FTDI Drivers downloaded from here: www.ti.com/.../lm_ftdi_driver on my development computer to read UARTPrintf log messages from the program running ...
Hello experts, Happy New Year, I have look in the forum but couldn't find the same situation: I have a custom board for the TPS65988, I am using a SPI memory and a FTDI FT232HQ adapter with the ...