From Polaroid to the instant tap of your smartphone - here is a rundown on the history of the camera. Peggy Whitson has spent 675 days in space, more than any other American. Here's how it ...
一般財団法人日本カメラ財団が主催する歴史的カメラ審査委員会は12月17日(火)、2024年の「日本の歴史的カメラ」を発表した。選出したのはソニー「α9 III」、富士フイルム「INSTAX mini 99」、リコーイメージング「PENTAX 17」の3機種。
Our chosen object is a camera from Victorian times. We know that Queen Victoria was the first monarch to be photographed and this is an important part of history because for the first time ...
The camera, familiar as it is to us, is nevertheless a great miracle, superior in some ways to the pen. It is selective, but does not lie about what was before the lens. We are fortunate that, for so ...
Note Distributor from label mounted on verso of t.p. Includes index. Your generous donation will be used to ensure the memory of our Defence Forces and what they have done for us, and what they ...
A new flagship, a trio of powerhouses, four hybrid lenses and the door creaking open for third-party AF lenses – it's been a ...
It can improve reporting of incidents, events and peoples lives in addition to creating questions of what the camera missed, what is just out of shot?
The show, which brings together about 380 unique cameras, is currently running at the JCII Camera Museum in Tokyo's Chiyoda Ward, which tracks the rapidly evolving history of the camera.
Less well known is the fact that the camera trap has a long history that extends back more than 100 years. Over this time, they have gone from being an experimental technology, used by just a handful ...