Samsung has launched the Galaxy S10 Lite and Galaxy Note 10 Lite. These new smartphones are priced at around Rs. 40,000 which is significantly lower than their respective non-lite versions. Samsung ...
The Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ has a new design and features a new Infinity-O display with a hole for a front-facing camera. The Galaxy Note 10+ has the camera hole right in the centre, at the top of the ...
The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Pro is priced at Rs. 112,999 [Expected] in Pakistan and $404 USD. This smartphone features a large 6.7 display, providing an immersive viewing experience. It comes with 1 TB ...
61,999 with a spec score of 88, Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus (Galaxy Note 10 Pro) at Rs. 42,999 with a spec score of 88 and Samsung Galaxy Note 20 at Rs. 86,000 with a spec score of 86.