If you have noticed any pests on your plants, spray your succulents liberally with an organic soap or neem oil spray in the ...
Keep the plant in a location where it receives a few hours of bright yet indirect light a day. Too much sunlight and the ...
With its dark green toothy leaves and bright pendulous blooms, the Christmas Cactus is a favorite Yuletide plant. Here are ...
At different points in the year, it's possible to place your indoor plants outdoors to soak up some sunshine and fresh air.
The popular Conophytum, Lithops and Tylecodon are part of the group of rare and aesthetically unique succulents which are now ...
Growing a paddle plant as a houseplant allows you to bring a paddle plant home anytime. However, paddle plants grown outdoors ...
Norm Schilling, an experienced gardener, discusses the beauty and benefits of incorporating cacti and succulents into gardens ...
When thinking of plants to give as gifts, poinsettias, Thanksgiving cactus, amaryllis, and succulents come to mind. All these plants are great because after the holidays are over, they can be ...