Regarding the SN6501,it is possible to use a transformer with a smaller turns ratio, like N = 1.5, to isolate the input 3.3V, reducing the voltage drop across the second LDO. I found PMP30440 in TI, ...
This results in a power supply that has very high efficiency over a wide load current range ... The operation of the 5V section is identical to the 3.3V section with inductor L1 replaced by ...
But for circuits where weight, volume, or cost are a major concern, a transformer may be omitted in the circuit design in favor of some sort of transformerless power supply. While power supplies ...
Is there a reference design for using the SN6505B to take 5V and turn it into 12V using a 5000Vrns transformer? Output Current from 12V will be 100mA but if the design supports more that would be ...