Most of these power supplies use a transformer to step down the voltage to a more usable level and also to provide some galvanic isolation to the low voltage circuit. But for circuits where weight ...
The TRS-80 Model 1 power supply is pretty simple ... The DC output is filtered and regulated in the keyboard unit for +12V. The challenge of designing a replacement is such dual winding transformers ...
Is there a reference design for using the SN6505B to take 5V and turn it into 12V using a 5000Vrns transformer? Output Current from 12V will be 100mA but if the design supports more that would be ...
I use a matrix-transformer LLC with the primary-side windings in ... each UCC is configured in the following SCH. Here, the power supply is a 12V Aux Power.(4 UCCs share ONE Aux Power) The question is ...