エリクソン・ジャパンが年次レポートの最新版「モビリティレポート ...
KDDIと沖縄セルラーは2024年12月18日、UQ mobileの利用者向けに今月19日から5G SA(スタンドアローン)サービスを提供することを発表した。 KDDIは2023年4月からauスマートフォンの個人利用者向けに5G SAを提供していた( ...
NETGEAR has expanded its unlocked 5G mobile router lineup with the launch of the NETGEAR Nighthawk® M3 Mobile Hotspot Router ...
New camera provides 8K streaming of low-latency high-resolution 360° video coupled with spatial audio over 5G, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet connectivity, reducing the need for multiple cameras across ...
Nokia unveiled a camera enabling 360-degree multimedia streaming over 5G, Wi-Fi and Ethernet connectivity, a feat the vendor claimed is a first for industrial products and reduces reliance on multiple ...
Nokia unveiled the world’s first rugged 8K 360-degree camera with 5G, Wi-Fi & Ethernet connectivity One of the main highlights of the Nokia 5G 360-degree camera is that it offers 8K streaming ...
In a way, this is the return of the OZO VR camera. Back in 2015, Nokia unveiled the Ozo VR, a pro-grade $60,000 camera for VR. However, in 2017 it ...
The camera's waterproof (IP67) and shock-resistant design allows it to deliver 8K streaming with low-latency high-resolution 360° video, accompanied by spatial audio over 5G, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet.