In theory, you could have 8 of these multiplexers on each of 0x70-0x77 addresses in order to control 64 of the same-I2C-addressed-part. Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source ...
But some, especially ARM Cortex's, don't! What then? that's where this petite Adafruit 24LC32 I2C EEPROM Breakout comes in to help! With 32 Kbit (4 KByte) of storage, and handy chainable Stemma QT ...
I need a 1:2 I2C multiplexer. While the TS3USB30/E datasheet doesn't specifically advertise this part for an I2C mux application, I don't see a reason why you couldn't use it that way. I intend to ...
Does an I2C multiplexer, such as a PCA9548 or PCA9543, operate the same as a FET-based translator when placed on the b-side of the TCA9803? We are running into problems where our SMBus segments are ...