Here are 20 plants you can add to your garden that repel aphids naturally and offer a wealth of different benefits. Sharks, lions, alligators, and more! Don’t miss today’s latest and most ...
Fortunately, there are a range of plants that aphids dislike. 'Planting aphid-repelling plants like garlic, chives, and ...
Soil conditioner. Adding wormwood oil to your compost or directly to the soil can significantly improve soil health. The ...
Garlic planted among roses will ward off aphids. Plant carrots and leeks together on the allotment or vegetable patch to protect against a number of pests. Leeks repel carrot fly and carrots repel ...
3. A barrier of marigolds around or nearby your trees will repel woolly aphids with their fragrance over summer. 4. You can also plant onions, garlic and chives in your garden to help repel aphids.