Apple iPhone 6s mobile was launched in September 2015. The phone comes with a 4.70-inch touchscreen display offering a resolution of 750x1334 pixels at a pixel density of 326 pixels per inch (ppi) and ...
分解、「iPhone 6s」--「3D Touch」技術を採用したアップル旗艦端末の内側 Appleは2014年に、「iPhone 6」と「iPhone 6 Plus」の画面サイズを4.7インチと5.5 ...
Which one is best for you? At first glance iPhone 7 is pretty similar in appearance to iPhone 6s but there’s one very significant difference. With iPhone 7, Apple boldly ditched the traditional ...
Which one is best for you? iPhone 8 Plus has a lot of advantages over iPhone 6s. As well as being a larger format model it benefits from two years’ of development by Apple – so not surprisingly it has ...
Apple iPhone 6S is a revolution in innovative mobile technology that was warmly received by users worldwide. The display sports a 4.7-inch pixels 750 x 1334 resolution. The phone runs on the iOS 9 ...