This example is provided to help the development of projects wich require to send data encrypted through a RF module. This data is provided by writing it in the Serial Monitor, allowing implementation ...
When using STM32/ESP8266, you need to install the core library. There is some core library for STM32. I used this. Arduino Uno(Nano, ProMini etc.) Nrf24l Mirf = Nrf24l(10, 9); // CE,CSN * VCC 3.3V * ...
What do you get when you combine a direct digital synthesis (DDS) chip, a power detector, and an Arduino? [Brett Killion] did make that combination and wound up with a practical network analyzer.
One of the main advantages of cheap wireless modules is that they get used in consumer electronics, so if you know what’s being used you can build your own compatible hardware. While ...
I am planning to interface ESP32 with TLV320AIC3120 Codec module. There are Linux device drivers available in the product page. Is there Arduino supported library available? If yes, Please point me ...