In this project contents of wav file are being read from SD card into buffer. Interrupt from timer 1 is triggered with frequency of 48000 Hz which is required sample rate for WAV file. In interrupt ...
Description ESP32に定型文をしゃべらせるシンプルな Wev Playerで、時計や天気予報などを作るベースとして ... テスト用に複数のサンプリングレートの音声を聞き比べられるようにしました。 Arduino IDE と Arduino core for the ESP32でコンパイルし、ESP32に転送。
With the Arduino put into programming mode, he simply plays the WAV file with an audio player, and the code is uploaded. He says that this method of programming comes in handy in certain cases ...
To make this all happen at once he developed a set of Arduino WAV shields controlled by an Arduino Mega. As you can see above, there are three ATmega328 chips which run the Arduino boot loader ...