The show, which follows the adventures of Arthur the Aardvark, his family and friends is the longest running children's animated television series in US history. US broadcaster PBS confirmed the ...
Arthur the Aardvark learns the importance of maintaining his friendships in Arthur Goes Crosswire the title episode of this threeepisode collection from the popular PBS series After Arthur and ...
GBH Kids and Boston Children’s Museum has the event for you. The two groups are joining forces to host an Arthur the Aardvark lookalike contest on Dec. 20 in honor of the longtime PBS Kids show ...
Based on Marc Browns popular childrens books PBSs educational television series follows the animated adventures of lovable Arthur the aardvark as he noodles through problems and learns life ...
The first episode of the 22nd series of children's programme Arthur features the character Mr Ratburn marrying his aardvark partner, Patrick. But APT instead ran an old episode, and announced it ...
who has been working with the beloved aardvark for over 40 years. Born one night when Brown was telling a bedtime story to his son, Arthur soon evolved into the book Arthur's Nose, published in ...
Now, "Arthur" is under fire too. Yes, the beloved aardvark — who also had his own animated TV series on PBS — is facing censure in Florida over one book which references the party game ...
Then 25 years ago, Arthur, the animated aardvark, came into our lives, charming children and adults alike while taking on important and sensitive topics. The debut of Molly of Denali two years ago ...