冷凍というフードロスが出にくい方法で提供 ... 現在、青果(あおもの屋)、加工(Tokyo Bento Labo)のほか、連携企業を広く募集中です。
I recently attended a wedding ceremony at Meiji Shrine in Tokyo. The bride, Miki, was my former assistant. Miki, her mother ...
The container of this unique bento is also interesting as they're shaped the same as the pots used in traditional octopus fishing. Octopus Cuisine Inspired by Tradition - EKIBEN JAPAN | NHK WORLD ...
Around 175 tons of food prepared for athletes and 300,000 bento boxes for volunteers and staff members were tossed out as trash during the Tokyo Summer Games, the Board of Audit said. A number of ...
企業・オフィス・工場向けに宅配弁当を製造販売配達する弁当事業者と キャッシュレス決済を望む会社員の皆様を繋ぐ お弁当注文決済クラウドサービス「PLAT-BENTO」が随時拡大中 まずは東京都、千葉県、静岡県、大阪府から開始! PLAT-BENTOがお悩み解決 ...