DCs animated movies and TV shows have explored Batman ... Set in the same continuity as The Batman (2005), one of the best Batman animated series, The Batman vs. Dracula is a fun film that makes ...
The original Knightfall storyline, published in April 1993 in three parts – Knightfall, Knightquest, and Knightsend – is best known for delivering one of Batman ... that movie is not going ...
DC’s new animated trilogy reportedly starting with Batman: Knightfall: Part 1 The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and ...
We don't know how profitable these animated movies ... Batman also remains a big draw and this storyline would fit nicely into the "Elseworlds" category. While the Knightfall story is remembered ...
Batman: Knightfall to reportedly start a new animated DC trilogy The latest filing made on the EIDR System states that Warner Bros might be producing new Batman animated movies, and making a trilogy.