28. Kd3 { Kd3 [-1.55] Ke2 [-1.83] Kd1 [-2.85] } 28... Nb2+ { Nb2+ [-1.78] Rxg8 [ 2.11] Ne5+ [ 3.44] } 29. Ke2 { Kd2 [-1.64] Ke2 [-1.74] } Each move in the puzzle is annotated with the best 3 candidate ...
It produces a poll so that many people can answer: /random to get a random puzzle (no rating) /quiz to get the next puzzle (affects rating) /top to see current top-rated ... BomberHarris_XRP for ...
puzzles, and online multiplayer features ensures that the gaming experience caters to a wide range of skill levels. While originating as a traditional board game, chess retains its strategic ...