Wolverine has made his Marvel Cinematic Universe debut, with Hugh Jackman returning to play the mutant in Deadpool & Wolverine. Jackman’s return reminded everyone why he’s the longest tenured ...
Mark Waid’s thought-provoking storyline strips Steve Rogers of his most fundamental identity – his American citizenship. When the U.S. government declares Cap a man without a country, he faces a ...
Add to that the quippy one-liners the MCU was becoming known for and a heartfelt human story at its center, and The Avengers is definitely one of the best Marvel movies everyone should watch.
The primary source of Kang’s development is the story arcs focusing on the mighty conqueror. As his evolution is critical to understanding the character's ongoing threat to the Marvel Universe ...
Lengthy arcs can be used to further character growth and explore complex themes. Some story arcs have remained ... harrowing ...
As for those story arcs, Perez detailed the various storylines Marvel is working on. This story arc follows the events in the world after what happened in Avengers: Endgame. It focuses on world ...
"Secret Invasion" opened with fascinating scenes reminiscent of one of the best ... Ms. Marvel is one of the most inspirational since she is so relatable. While the middle part of the story ...