Check out a live demo of the bible app. It is built with react, and the demo itself is hosted on netlify. Please send a GitHub Pull Request to bible-react-app with a clear list of what you've done and ...
To grow in the knowledge of God and to live in light of His truth, it’s important that we set aside focused time to study His Word. As you consider your Bible study plans for the year ahead, explore ...
It has been created for use within the Ezra Bible App Bible study software, but it can also be used for any other nodejs-based software that needs to interface with the SWORD library.
without the need for a separate Bible app . Listen to the most recent daily service of Morning and Evening prayer using our audio player below. Click on Follow to choose your favourite podcast ...
The app continues to break language barriers by allowing users to memorize verses in 44 languages from an extensive library of 284 Bible translations ... Me and to download the app, visit ...