My advice, however, is not to buy bags just to sell them. I give that same advice to consigners who come to me after shopping at Hermès or Chanel and want to sell their bags. When we quote them ...
While going up in to the loft to bring down the Christmas decorations we found a Chanel bag and purse. It was wrapped up in ...
And, unsurprisingly, Chanel is at the top (its Classic 11.12 handbag, to be exact ... so much so I snapped one up before they inevitably sell out. Ok, so on closer inspection, it's easy to see the ...
I give that same advice to consigners who come to me after shopping at Hermès or Chanel and want to sell their bags. Related stories When we quote them prices below retail, they say that they ...
Shropshire’s leading fine art auction house completed one of its best ever years with a £150,000 Christmas sale.
We've found the perfect high-street lookalike for Chanel's iconic Classic Flap Bag and, at just £65, it's a bargain piece that's sure to sell out. Chanel's Classic Double Flap Bag is one of the most ...
In fact, Knightley has been spotted with the same Chanel bubble quilt mini flap bag with nearly every outfit she’s worn so far on this press tour – a rarity these days in a world of head-to-toe ...