Batman: The Dark Knight Returns is a two-part animated superhero film, an adaptation of the 1986 comic book "The Dark Knight Returns" by Frank Miller.
Daniel Waters, the writer of Batman Returns, has said that the Christmas movie didn't get much respect back in 1992 when it ...
As he returns to the world of classics with a Greek epic brewing in his basement, a $250 plus million sky-high budget fans ...
The Dark Knight trilogy wasn't always guaranteed, and part of the story behind how it got made shows how easily it could've ...
The Dark Knight Detective. That moniker has been applied to Batman for decades, along with “World’s Greatest Detective.” Yet ...
The Dark Knight Returns follows a middle-aged Bruce Wayne ... The comic would then be adapted into a two-part animated direct-to-video film in 2012 and 2013. Both parts of the animated adaptation ...
Online Dating’s Latest Innovation Godard for Christmas In Frank Miller’s The Dark Knight Returns, Batman reverted ... SLIDESHOW: Movie Preview: Batman v Superman Miller also expressed the ...
The first figure to arrive for this series is from The Dark Knight Returns, capturing the groundbreaking graphic novel written by Frank Miller. Set in a dystopian future, a 55-year-old Bruce Wayne ...