I want my DDR2 memory to be expandable up to 1GB so I am planning to use 4 chips of 8 bit width. Is this possible? What does the maximum number of devices constraint mean? Does this put a restriction ...
Designers today face the challenge of integrating DDR2 memory devices onto the same PCB while using the correct termination to ensure signal quality. This is applicable to any embedded platforms ...
The emerging DDR3 memory standard will extend the performance range of DDR memories considerably, while maintaining some amount of backwards compatibility with the existing DDR2 memory standard. It is ...
This Verilog-based DDR2 (Double Data Rate 2) Memory Controller is designed to facilitate communication between a DDR2 memory module and a digital system. It follows the JEDEC DDR2 Synchronous DRAM ...
(Even when I maximize SPI0's prescaler (frequency divider =255), the frequency is still too high.) So it looks like I have ... SYSCLK2 -- ALSO controls the speed of memory accesses, such as Shared RAM ...