A pneumonia cough may sound deeper or louder than other coughs, and you may notice dryness or phlegm. But it also depends on ...
He further noted: "Any cough with associated worrying or severe symptoms such as coughing up ... Shortness of breath and a persistent dry, hacking cough Chest discomfort or chest pain Fatigue ...
Jose Quijada, DO, a pediatrician with CommuniCare Pediatrics in San Antonio, found the session “incredibly useful” not only because ... onset symptoms. The cough can be wet or dry and ...
Now, whooping cough is very contagious and it’s tough to identify at first because the symptoms look a lot like ... these vaccines helps protect not only ourselves but also those most vulnerable ...
As a parent, even a minor cough or sniffle can set off worry, especially when you hear the word "pneumonia." But ...
There has been a fourfold increase in whooping cough cases in the USA this season. The illness, particularly severe in infants, starts with mild cold-like symptoms but can escalate to life ...
But what kind of sickness do your symptoms point to? Here's a breakdown for COVID-19, flu and more — and why testing is so important.
Unlike traditional pneumonia, which brings high fever, chest pain, and difficulty breathing, “walking pneumonia's symptoms can be subtle. A dry cough, mild fever, fatigue, and a sore throat are ...