Tutorial 1: How to use Arduino’s EEPROM memory? LED state after the power off. ----https://microdigisoft.com/how-to-use-arduinos-eeprom-memory-led-state-after-the ...
This is an Arduino based digital Clock to display real time on a 16x2 LCD using a DS1307RTC module. The date and time can be set via serial interface or push button switches. This project includes ...
Adafruit’s got a handy breakout board for the DS1307 RTC available ... The breakout makes this easy to breadboard or plug into an Arduino and has everything you need; clock crystal, a backup ...
This application note is intended to demonstrate an application using the DS1307 real-time clock (RTC) with a Microchip PIC microcontroller. The software example includes basic operating routines. A ...
I'm trying to connect ds1307 with msp432p401r launchpad (red) using i2c protocol, but no luck. msp432 is sending the data but not receiving ( transmit-->poll and receive--> interrupt ). I'm using the ...
Hi, i'm working with a TM4C1294XL board and a DS1307 board from grove. I found scratch of code in a website and i adapted it for my MCU. The program compiles wothout errors or warnings, the problem is ...