今回は最近まで全く知らなかったアメリカの飲み物のお話を・・・ クリスマスシーズンから突如アメリカのスーパーに現れた飲み物、「エッグノッグ(Eggnog ...
If you want a thick, luscious eggnog for your holiday dinner party, you should keep a brief checklist in mind while buying a ...
Well, cue the record scratch — because we ranked 11 different eggnog brands and not all hit the mark. Case in point: Old New England Classic, which took a nosedive to the bottom of our list at ...
Made from eggs, milk, sugar, and a splash of booze, rompope is a sweet drink that could easily pass off for eggnog. Find out ...
Eggnog: the drink that indirectly led to grandma getting run over by a reindeer. It's finally that time of year again, when grocery stores start stocking up on eggnog and polarize consumers, who ...