The Fujifilm X-T20 is launched in India. The device is a mid range SLR- styled mirrorless camera that sits above the X-E2S and below the X-T2. It comes with dimension as 4.66 x 3.26 x 1.26 inch(W ...
I choose the best lenses for the Fujifilm X-T4, picking top performers that match the X-T4’s classic retro layout I'm probably preaching to the converted. If you’re reading this guide, I guess you ...
VILTROX 35mm f1.7 Fuji, AF 35mm F1.7 X-Mount for Fujifilm X Mount, Auto Focus X Mount Lens for Fujifilm X-T1 X-T10 X-T2 X-T20 X-T3 X-T4 X-T100 X-T200 X-T30 X-PRO02 XS10 XS20 $179.00 Shop now Viltrox ...
Viltrox has announced a new APS-C lens, the 35mm (53mm equiv.) F1.7 'Air' lens, which is available for Sony E-mount, Fujifilm X-mount and Nikon Z-mount. The company says it aimed to make the lens ...