は21日、デスクトップパソコン向けプロセッサーの新製品として、2.20GHz版と2.10GHz版の『インテル Celeron プロセッサ』を発表した。同日付けで出荷 ...
Intel’s Core i9-13900KS. What is its top clock speed? Well out-of-the-box, it hits a maximum clock speed of 6.2GHz. This makes it the undisputed fastest consumer-grade desktop processor ...
これは、Celeron N4505を搭載したIntel NUC規格のPC自作キット。 メモリとストレージ、OSを組み込むことで小型PCが完成する。
Setting world records isn't just about having the fastest ... Intel introduced gear ratios, a similar approach AMD had taken ...
Intel has introduced the fastest workstation GPUs yet in its Arc Pro A-series lineup, doubling the video memory, memory bandwidth, PCIe lanes and compute units over models launched last year.
Historically, the release of a new Intel server processor means a raft of new server introductions, and last week's Intel Xeon processor E5-2600/1600 v3 product family release was no exception.