TOP家電フロッピーディスクにUSBメモリを組み込むという温故知新ハック 古き良きテクノロジーと新しいテクノロジーを合体させる、というのはライフハッカー編集部の大好物なのですが、今回は、フロッピーディスクにUSBメモリを埋め込んでみるという ...
This project provides the CAD files for an STM32-based floppy-disk controller that can be attached to the back of an ordinary 3.5 inch floppy-disk drive and connected to a USB host via micro USB port.
This is a USB floppy disk controller, for reading and writing amiga disks. In conjunction with the accompanying amigafloppy program, it allows archiving amiga disks as ADF disk images, or writing ADF ...
While the whole build is impressive, the most clever part involves a 3 1/2″ floppy disk that hides an SD card and works like a regular USB flash drive when inserted into the floppy drive.