おそらく大多数の方がMicrosoft Officeを連想されるはず。実は世界には様々なオフィスソフトがあります。今回ご紹介する「FreeOffice」もその一つ。どんなソフトなのか。早速ご紹介します。 FreeOfficeとは? FreeOfficeとはドイツのSoftMaker社が開発する無料で使える ...
SoftMaker FreeOffice is a powerful, easy-to-use, modern, lightning-fast office suite for Windows. After using it, you will agree that it is the best free alternative to Microsoft Office.
SoftMaker FreeOffice is a powerful, easy-to-use, modern, lightning-fast office suite for Windows. After using it, you will agree that it is the best free alternative to Microsoft Office.
Why pay for an Office 365 subscription when you can use OnlyOffice, LibreOffice, and other apps that do the same thing for ...
FreeOffice is an alternative to Microsoft Office I hadn't heard of until very recently, and to be fair, it's not the most ...