外付けストレージを選ぶとき、誰もが一度は直面する悩みが「SSDとHDD、どちらを選ぶべきか」という問題です。 特に「耐久性」や「寿命」に関する情報は、調べても断片的で判断が難しいです。 本記事では、SSDとHDDの違いを解説し、あなたに最適な選択を ...
At the end of the day, the more storage you have, the better, but the sweet spot for your average PC gamer is 2TB of fast SSD ...
そのなかから、市場調査会社テクノ・システム・リサーチ(TSR)によるストレージ市場を展望した講演「Updated Storage (HDD and SSD) Market Outlook」が興味 ...
Yes, you can absolutely use both an SSD and an HDD in the same computer, and it's actually a pretty common setup. Typically, ...
2020年のストレージ市場における最大のトピックスは、年間の出荷台数と出荷金額でssdが史上初めて、hddを上回ったことだろう。同年10月の楠本氏 ...
Many modern PC games are quite large, making storage management challenging for gamers. However, if you play your games on Steam, you're in luck. Steam allows you to move or store your games on an ...
If you want to upgrade your PC but are confused about RAM and SSD, this guide will help you decide whether to upgrade your ...
One of the main factors to consider when choosing between SSD and HDD is their reliability. Reliability refers to how well a drive can withstand physical damage, power surges, extreme temperatures ...