Also, one day when the tech becomes advanced enough, you could have Gemini and its app-controlling subroutine connected to your Google Glass 3.0 or whatever they end up being called, and the ...
Could Google Glass be back? The video section is short and doesn't cast a lot of light on what we're looking at, but it does show someone picking up a set of Glass-esque specs before the clip ...
[Ricardo Ferro] didn’t want to buy a Google Glass, so he made his own. The Raspberry Pi Zero Prism consists of a 3D-printed headset the side-pieces of which hold a variety of electronic ...
Glass Enterprise Edition will be sold by software developers who have partnered with Google Google is to sell a revamped version of its smart glasses to businesses, more than two years after the ...
Twelve years ago, the tech giant unveiled its ill-fated Google Glass, a piece of eyewear that connected to the internet that let people record videos and perform Google searches. The product ...
It turns out the Gemini AI wearable is quite interesting, seemingly delivering the Google Glass experience that Google failed to offer more than a decade ago. We all remember the Google Glass ...
The second generation of North's Focals were due to ship soon but are now on hold Google has bought a company that makes smart glasses, following the failure of its own, Glass, to go mass market.
This assistive wearable technology uses ChatGPT and Google Glass hardware to capture and convert the visual information around the user into speech. And thanks to more widespread 5G networks ...
With Snap’s second generation of camera glasses, the company is refining its vision for Snapchat hardware rather than offering a new one. Snapchat’s poor-selling Spectacles are another bitter ...
Briefly in 2013, several thousand early adopters purchased the $1,500 Google Glass Explorer to be first to develop apps and offer feedback. Although a much less-expensive consumer product was ...