『グランド・セフト・オート:トリロジー:決定版』が大不評だったため、ロックスター・ゲームスがPC版の購入者を対象に無料でゲーム1本を ...
Rockstar have just launched their upgraded Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Definitive Edition across multiple platforms, here’s the official announcement below: We’re proud to announce that Grand Theft ...
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - Definitive Edition launched to a rocky start. Fans expected way more polish from a remaster of three of the most important games of the early 2000s. While they ...
Despite rocky start, continuous support from developers. Grand Theft Auto Trilogy's latest update now allows players to run and shoot while using shotguns, assault rifles, and flamethrowers.
Pustit se do hodnocení remasterů a remaků je obecně pokaždé výzva. Snažit se spravedlivě zhodnotit kolekci Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition je doslova za trest. Tenhle obchod s ...
Grand Theft Auto 6 fans believe they have evidence that some of the established GTA 4 characters are set to return in the upcoming sequel.
The release of Grand Theft Auto Trilogy was met with major fan backlash after iconic characters and scenes from the three remastered games released with funky character models and odd lighting ...