1 半固体状あるいはペースト状の潤滑剤。鉱油に金属石鹸 (せっけん) または黒鉛などを混合したもの。軸受けやギア、機械の摩擦部などに用いる。 2 頭髪用の半固体状の油。 私は今、大学一年生で化学に関する学科に所属しています。 そこで、化学 ...
CSX crews had already deployed a containment boon shortly after the derailment Saturday night and later spotted a light sheen in that contained area.
Though cooking grease is in liquid form right after cooking, an expert cautions about the damage it can cause once it hardens ...
Engineers from RMIT University have invented a protective coating for concrete pipes that could help drastically reduce the ...
"A simple rule of thumb is: don't dump any fat, oil, greases down the drain. Dispose of them properly in the garbage, and you won't have any problems." Grease interceptors are designed to trap the ...