テレグラムのゲームボット「HangBot」は、ハングマン(Hangman)を楽しむためのボットです。ハングマンは、英単語の推測ゲームとして知られ、英語の語彙力や推理力を試すシンプルかつ面白いゲームです。この「HangBot」では、テレグラムのチャット機能を ...
This project is a simple implementation of the classic Hangman game in Java. The player tries to guess a secret word by suggesting letters within a certain number of attempts. Word guessing game with ...
Let's play hangman! I'll put in the first word, and the winner of each game will put in the next. Only guess letters! Note: put the Sporcle category in parentheses next to the word Example: _ _ _ _ _ ...
Hangman word guessing game in python Word guessing game (hangman) A list of words will be hardcoded in your program, out of which the interpreter will choose 1 random ...
Let's play hangman! I'll put in the first word, and the winner of each game will put in the next. Only guess letters! Note: put the Sporcle category in parentheses next to the word Example: _ _ _ _ _ ...