Degree requirements in discrete mathematics are intentionally kept low to maximize the flexibility of the program. Contact your advisor to talk about your options and read these tips to help you ...
Discrete Mathematics plays an important role in explaining key concepts in Information Technology and Computer Science, This course explores topics in logic, relationships between data, number theory ...
Discrete mathematics has been rising in prominence in the past fifty years, both as a tool with practical applications and as a source of new and interesting mathematics. The topics in discrete ...
The Department has a strong faculty working in various topics in discrete mathematics, especially algorithmic aspects. The interface between Theoretical Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics has ...
The core curriculum covers a variety of topics, including statistics, mathematical reasoning, computer-related discrete math, and using math to understand the world. Skills in problem-solving and ...
MATH 1290 Calculus IB, or MATH 1310 Calculus I, or MATH 1380 Calc. for the Life Sciences I. or Permission of Instructor/Coordinator or Chair.
The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a central topic in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. It has been one of the driving forces in combinatorial optimization. The design and ...