"It is always around the 15th October that, seemingly out of nowhere, the honey fungus suddenly appears in the woods. I am always very excited at the sight of a colony, still with closed caps ...
There is no known chemical treatment for honey fungus and the best response is to dig up the affected plant entirely and burn ...
Citizen scientists have helped shed light on a "humungous fungus" that can kill off common plants. The honey fungus often appears at the start of autumn, when honey-coloured toadstools appear on ...
tabescen / Schwarze et al. After testing different bioluminescent mushrooms, project head Francis Schwarze came to discover that the honey fungus turned out to be a particularly powerful producer ...
This luminous wood is created through the interaction of the fungus Desarmillaria tabescens, also known as the ringless honey fungus, with non-living wood. The project is led by fungal researcher ...
The innovative material uses white rot fungus D. tabescens to create a sustainable light source. Honey fungus produces luciferin, which generates a green glow through a chemical reaction with caffeic ...