1912年には、国際陸上競技連盟(IAAF/現ワールドアスレティックス)が設立され、国際大会を統括するようになった。 ルールの概要 これまで行われた陸上競技と同様に、近代の陸上競技もさまざまな走種目、跳躍種目、投てき種目、競歩、混成種目で構成さ ...
Three sports judges in Switzerland have taken more ... rights program at Human Rights Watch said that taking the proposed IAAF testosterone suppressants would be as "humiliating as it is medically ...
This may in turn drive the development of new knowledge, using an integrative sports science approach to improve performance of special athletic populations. The intended breadth of this Research ...
The IAAF has provisionally suspended Russia from athletics amid allegations of state-sponsored doping. Earlier this week an independent commission established by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA ...
The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) has appealed six decisions recently made by the Russian Anti-Doping Agency (RUSADA). The appeals relate to the cases of Valeriy ...
The IAAF in turn decided to suspend ARAF’s membership in the global governing body of athletics and put forward a host of criteria, which the Russian ruling body of track and field sports was ...