The course texts are the books by O'Neill and Preparata & Shamos. W. M. Boothby, An Introduction to Differentiable Manifolds and Riemannian Geometry, Academic Press, New York, 1975. H. Edelsbrunner, ...
However, Ted is a bit worried, as he has promised to help Titch to learn about geometry and he is not really sure what that means. Before they set off, Titch teaches Ted about triangles ...
Abstract: As data is a predominant resource in applications, Riemannian geometry is a natural framework to model and unify complex nonlinear sources of data. However, the development of computational ...
Zentralblatt MATH 'this beautifully produced book is an inviting introduction to an emerging area of mathematics ... both parallels and approximates the classical world of conformal geometry - a ...
Spacetime and Geometry is an introductory textbook on general relativity, specifically aimed at students. Using a lucid style, Carroll first covers the foundations of the theory and mathematical ...
git clone --recursive CMakeLists.txt main.cpp include/ function1.h function2.h ... src ...
Abstract: Perceptrons were invented in the fifties when "learning machine" was an exciting new concept. For a decade thereafter, there has been much describing, experimenting, and speculating about ...