Introduction to Data Science with Python - Harvard Course. I have started taking this course on the edX website, and here I will share my notes and related materials as I progress through the content.
Learn Python the Hard Way: An introduction to programming and Python ... Like a Computer Scientist" books to develop the structure and the material for the notes. The initial version of the notebooks ...
For an introduction to data science, we recommend: G Grolemund and Hadley Wickham R for Data Science (O'Reilly Media, 2016) JV. Guttag Introduction to Computation and Programming using Python (Second ...
It also provides an introduction to some of the non-statistics elements in data science. The Diploma deepens and extends this to more advanced and technical statistical methods and introduces further ...
This webpage will be mostly static, except for postings of the problem sets and course notes ... of science and engineering. This course is a graduate level introduction to error-correcting codes, ...