京都丸紅は、人気TikTokクリエイター&タレントの景井ひなさんとコラボをした、正絹振袖企画「JAPAN STYLE×景井ひな」を発表いたします。TikTokなどSNSで多大な影響力のある景井さんとコラボをし、京都丸紅の着物の魅力を日本中の女性たちに向けて発信。
but over time she didn't feel that the style suited her. "I always felt a sense of discomfort that my skin colour and make-up did not match my clothes," she tells the BBC. "Once I painted my face ...
It has ridden a wave of consumers buying, and throwing away, ever more clothes. But in Japan, the world’s third-biggest clothes market, growing awareness of the sector’s huge environmental ...