Complete the course to learn more about the anatomy and physiology of the musculoskeletal system, as well as the four mechanisms of injury. Visit EMS1 Academy to learn more and for an online demo.
This system is mainly concerned with producing movement through muscle contraction. This section explores the different types of muscles in our body and their involvement in sporting activities ...
Collyer’s recently hosted the award-winning Anatomy Experience. More than fifty students had the unique opportunity to dissect various organs, including the brain, spine, airway, lungs, heart, stomach ...
Saint Louis University’s post-baccalaureate certificate program in medical anatomy and physiology aids graduates in gaining entry into medical school, other health care professional programs, or ...
Physiology, pathology and related sciences ... they will gain additional education in topics such as anatomy while learning firsthand how to examine patients and diagnose illness.
BPK leads to an advanced understanding in physiology, anatomy, neuroscience, movement and human health through fundamental and applied research, education and service. “BPK is home to amazing students ...
We provide students with a collaborative culture to learn and pursue rigorous research that has an immediate impact on the health of society.
The Fundus Oculi of Birds, especially as viewed by the Ophthalmoscope: A Study in Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. By Casey A. Wood. Pp. 180 + plates lxi. (Chicago: The Lakeside Press ...