However, with a network connection the recordings are analyzed with an AI which can transcribe what it hears and even listen for specific ... has a lot of promise for ham radio operators.
Still, designing and operating a ham radio station in space is no small ... they are easier to get than ever), you can still listen in to some very interesting space communications.
When I was a kid living near Grantsville, West Virginia, some of my neighbors were into amateur ham radio. I found their analog electronics and antennas and their mastery of Morse code fascinating.
What’s Amateur Radio? Have you heard of ham radio? It’s the same thing. Although some revel in the term, get a group of operators together, and you will find more stories for the origins of the term ...
The annual conference of the Ham Radio University, which was formed in 1999, was held Saturday at LIU Post in Brookville.
Children, also known as “little harmonics” in amateur radio lingo, can call “the North Pole” through Christmas Eve, thanks to a ham radio project entitled Santa Net. Little harmonics who ...