If you are luthier who would like to be included in the directory, please make sure you first have registered for Violinist.com. Listing in this directory requires a one-time $200 activation fee — ...
Following Jimmy Carter's death, an Arizona craftsman shares the story of creating an instrument out of wood planted and ...
It was later finished by a luthier in Oxford before being bought by folk musician Sam Sweeney in 2009. Mr Sweeney played the violin at Pte Howard's grave in Ypres. He said: "It was incredible.
The visiting technician was not a trained luthier, but since he had on earlier occasions made small repairs, we trusted that all will end well. However, while accessing the soundpost, he ended up ...
Today, the talented young musician, 18, is taking his love to the next level and perfecting the craft of musical repair, on a path to becoming Cayman’s first luthier, trained in making and ...