MLBから今季から導入したユニフォームをめぐるトラブルに、ようやく解決の糸口が見え始めた。が、完全決着までにはまだまだ時間がかかりそう ...
However, that excitement grew even more when the organization revealed some uniform redesigns for next year. Let's start with this: Overall, these slight redesigns look fantastic. The piping on ...
MLB公式のドジャース City Connectユニフォームを着たピッチャー版「大谷翔平MLB公式Rising Again:Pitcher's Return / ドジャース球場台座付ボブルヘッド ...
So what if they signed Alonso and Pederson? Now that would be one formidable lineup: Get the latest from the Mets Have the latest news, ticket information, and more from the Mets and MLB delivered ...