Picture making crucial decisions using data that’s just seconds old. Real-time data visualization lets you convert endless ...
But how do you design a data visualization for print media, such as magazines, newspapers, or books? Unlike digital media, print media has some limitations and challenges that you need to consider ...
Whether you want to showcase your product performance, customer behavior, or market opportunities, you need to design your data visualization in a way that is clear, engaging, and actionable.
Database visualization is done by using t-distributed stochastic neighbor embedding (t-SNE) and structure activity landscape index (SALI) analysis. Additionally, the synthetic accessibility score of ...
This github repository contains the materials and slides that I prepared for the 2-hour workshop on data visualization with R and ggplot2 organized by the NYU Politics Data Lab in October 2013. The ...
The master’s in Data Visualization at Parsons is a multidisciplinary degree that brings together visual design, computer science, statistical analysis, and ethical considerations of data ...
In addition to the overview material, we will cover some of the more complex, interactive visualization dashboard technologies. Developers and Data Analysts that have some experience with python but ...