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Nieuwe kleinere elektronische apparaten, zoals smartphones, tablets, computermuizen en camera’s, moeten vanaf zaterdag verplicht een USB-C-poort hebben voor het opladen. Voor notebooks en grotere lapt ...
USB-C versus USB Micro connectors are turning into one of the holy wars of our time. Rather than be left on the wrong side of the divide [Stefan S] has come up with his own USB-C version of of an ...
Last month I came across an Adafruit tutorial that rekindled my old desire: USB NeXT Keyboard with an Arduino Micro. The links provided happened to include the pin-out of the Sun Type 4/5/6 keyboards ...
When [Mahesh Venkitachalam] was experimenting with machine learning for audio applications on a Raspberry Pi, he found himself looking for a simple USB microphone. A cheap one was easy to find ...